Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: Almost the Truth—The Lawyer's Cut

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The state of the blog

Happy 2013 to the Thrilling Days of Yesteryear faithful!  It wasn’t easy finding time for a sit-down to compose this post—my mistress Antenna TV rang in the New Year with reruns of Burns and Allen and The Jack Benny Show, and as I write is featuring a lineup of Three Stooges shorts during the premiere day of 2013.  This is a terribly tempting turn of events for a person who has made as one of his New Year’s resolutions a vow to clear away some of the weeds around the blog.

Over the Christmas holiday, the ‘rents and I managed to get away from the familiar environs of Rancho Yesteryear and into the North Georgia mountains for a little R&R with my sisters Kat and Debbie and their families as kind of a Christmas/50th wedding anniversary present.  (I sort of kept mum about it on the blog to avoid the possibility of an unsavory criminal element ransacking the jernt during our absence.)  We had a great deal of fun over three days, with many goodies consumed (including a snowman cake and Grape Nehi) and two amazing dinners prepared by Kat and Mom; Madre made her specialty, homemade pizza, while Kat prepared a sumptuous standing rib roast.  (Duh-rool, duh-rool…)

Being with family is great…but returning home is even better, and so upon our return I went back to work, making certain that I had the inaugural Serial Saturdays post of Don Winslow of the Navy prepared, along with another installment of Mayberry Mondays—which became the final post of 2012.  In looking over some of the past posts, I noticed that while I’ve managed to be fairly consistent in keeping those two features running (well, with one or two minor exceptions) I’ve really gotten kind of slack in maintaining a presence on the blog, save for the occasional participation in someone’s blogathon.

So although I have made this resolution in the past—and will probably break it at the first available opportunity—I’m really going to try and get some more reviews and the like up on TDOY in 2013.  In 2012, I put together 229 posts…nine more than 2011.  I can and will do better.

I got an added assist in this quest for blog excellence with a nice bit of Christmas swag: my niece Rachel bestowed upon me a Target (pronounced TAR-ZHAY) gift card that allowed me to pick up the Timeless Factory box set The Tall Man: The Complete Series at a reduced price.  I also lucked out and scored Timeless' Mr. Lucky: The Complete Series from my best friend in the blogosphere…and there are a few other goodies that have surfaced here in the House of Yesteryear, with an emphasis on silent cinema.  Finally, I need to start poring through all the films and TV shows that I have been collecting over the years and stop spending so much time in Count Comfy von Chair accomplishing nothing but strenuous eyeball rolling at the crap my father watches on TV.

While I’m dedicated to entertaining the folks who are kind enough to drop by this ‘umble scrap of the blogosphere in a regular basis…there will be occasional interruptions from time to time when deadlines for my Radio Spirits gigs loom.  But I’m going to try my darndest to make certain those are few and far between.  On with the blogging!


  1. Snowman cakes and Grape Nehi -- the sugar content must be nothing less than astronomical! Sounds great to me! Now don't spend too much time with your mistress -- write, baby, write!

  2. Happy New Year, Ivan! I look forward to more fiendishly funny reviews on your blog in 2013. Though you've doubtless got a slew of these things cluttering up the mantlepiece, I'd thought I'd send one more your way just the same: Blogger of the Year 2012. See here -
