Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: Almost the Truth—The Lawyer's Cut

Friday, October 4, 2013

Win some, lose some

The winners for this year’s Classic Movie Blog Association Awards (a.k.a. the CiMBAs) were announced earlier this week…and while I was disappointed that the blog came up short (I did keep my uniform clean—you have to give me that) this should in no way rain on the parade of the other blogs who did win, and most deservedly so.  The final winners were:

Best Classic Movie Review (Drama): “Scarface: The Shame of a Nation,” Once Upon a Screen
Best Classic Movie Review (Musical or Comedy): “Search for Beauty (1934),”
Best Classic Movie Article: “Top 10 Oscar-Less Dames and their Oscar-Worthy Roles,” Shadows and Satin
Best Profile of a Classic Movie Performer or Filmmaker: “Cagney,” The Lady Eve’s Reel Life
Best Blog Design:
Best Classic Movie Series: “TCM Pre-Code Pick of the Month,” Shadows and Satin
Best Classic Movie Blog Event: “James Cagney Blogathon,” The Movie Projector

Heartiest congratulations to all the blogs for a job well done.

I was, however, rewarded karmically when I learned that I was the winner of the “prize pack” given away at True Classics this past week when that marvelous movie blog did their tribute to animation genius Tex Avery.  And I even got free swag with that, so…well, truth be told, I donated what I won (DVD, Blu-ray and a swell gift card) to The ClassicBecky Foundation for Grandkid Corruption—because, really, if we can’t warp the minds of future generations with subversive animation, then what is the point…what is the bloody point?!!

In other me news, Brother Rich at Wide Screen World participated in The Great Imaginary Film Blogathon sponsored by the Sisters Metzinger over at Silver Scenes from October 1-3—the topic of his essay was the renowned cult screenwriter Ed Montefusco, who in this picture…

…bears a striking resemblance to your humble narrator.  Well, that’s because it is me—Rich asked me if I’d agree to be Montefusco (really…it was the role I was born to play) and I thought it would be kicky.  The only problem was he wanted a photo of me in a suit and tie…something that hasn’t happened since my years in Catholic school (well, I think I wore one in a play once).  So he had to do a little PhotoShop magic…here’s the original picture:

I really like what Rich did in his fictional foto.  Particularly my hands—I look like I just evicted an orphanage.

I’m still working like mahd—mahd, I tell you!—on putting together some stuff for the blog; if all goes well, I’ll be able to resume not only Serial Saturdays but Doris Day(s) next week.  In the meantime, here’s one of my recent pieces at the all-new ClassicFlix, and while you’re there check out the great contributions from True Classics’ Brandie, Laura of Miscellaneous Musings fame, Aubyn (the gal with the white parasol), Cultureshark’s own Rick Brooks, The Mythical Monkey, my BBFF Stacia from She Blogged by Night and—as Bill Conrad used to say—“a host of others.”

Finally, as I segueway oh-so-smoothly to another mention of She Blogged by Night, I was positively gobsmacked that Stacia has taken up my (and James Vance’s) suggestion that she tackle The Monster and the Ape (1945) as her next serial takedown.  The first chapter of what promises to be both prime snark and tear-your-hair insanity is up…which leaves me wondering: how to use my newly-discovered powers of getting people to bend to my will?  (“Hey, kids—who’s up for a showing of Red Hot Riding Hood [1943]?)

(Note: Br'er Rich points out in the comments that the renowned yet fictional Mr. Montefusco is not a director but a writer.  I have made the necessary correction, as well as blushed at being that close to Jonathan Winters, one of my comedy idols.)


  1. The body is Jonathan Winters' body!

    (BTW, Ed Montefusco is a writer, not a director.)

  2. Ive's,
    I have to admit that when you and Rich get together to collaborate on something I get a bit scared.

    Congrats on your CiMBA nod. Like you did last year, I sat this year out. Happy for this years winners.

    You always manage to give me a laugh and a smile, Ive's,
    Job well done!
