Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: Almost the Truth—The Lawyer's Cut

Friday, October 24, 2014

Brief programming note

Since this is bad news, I probably should be texting this like in that commercial (except I don’t own a cell phone, so that would fail miserably)—but the blog is going to be kind of quiet for the next several days, and it will most certainly affect Serial Saturdays and Doris Day(s).  I’ve got three or four projects in the hopper right now that will eat up all the time I usually depend on to keep Thrilling Days of Yesteryear going at a rapid clip, so I must tend to those matters before we kick back with a little cliffhanger action from The Black Widow.  (No one is more disappointed by this than me, by the way, because if someone as beautifully evil as Sombra asked me to join her organization I would stop fighting for the forces of good in a New York minute.)

One of the projects involves my upcoming appearance on the Hollywood Time Machine podcast this Saturday night (October 25).  Hosts Alicia Mayer and Will McKinley will be chatting with yours truly on the subject of old-time radio horror and science fiction programs, and I have to say I’m pretty flattered and jazzed about being asked.  (I only hope my voice holds out, otherwise listeners may think they’ve tuned into Eddie “Rochester” Anderson on a Jack Benny Show rerun by mistake.)  The details on the show are here; you can listen online by going to at 6pm PDT (9pm Athens time) or you can download it on your Apple or Android by putting “LA Talk Radio” in The Google.

In blogathon news, Aurora at Once Upon a Screen, Kellee at Outspoken and Freckled and Paula at Paula’s Cinema Club have decided to go for a three-peat and host another What a Character! Blogathon from November 16-18.  It’s been a very successful yearly event ever since the first one took place in 2012, and there’s no reason why the third one won’t duplicate those earlier critical plaudits and kudos…unless a bus swerves out of control and crashes into their blogs, I suppose.  But leave us put aside such morbid thoughts and simply say that if you’re interested in participating, march on over (single file, students) and sign up.  (TDOY regrets that it will have to sit this one out again this year, because we are needed at home.)

So until next week, keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.  My latest “Where’s That Been?” contribution is up at ClassicFlix (1944’s Betrayed, a.k.a. When Strangers Marry) to tide you over in the meanwhile.

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