Thrilling Days of Yesteryear: Almost the Truth—The Lawyer's Cut

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blue Monday, how I hate Blue Monday…

Well, it should be evident by now that I failed to get a new installment of Doris Day(s) up on the blog yesterday.  I had every intention of fulfilling this task…but The Jack Webb and Stage-to-Screen Blogathons ate up a lot of time (it wasn’t an imposition—I kinda rather figured they would) and when it came down to brass tacks I had three essays to write, and only enough time to do two of them.  One of them was an outside project, and the other was an entry in Overlooked Films on Tuesday/Adventures in Blu-ray, which will post in another hour.  I figured that since I skipped Overlooked Films last week and we were kinda sorta at a stopping point before the second season of The Doris Day Show begins, that the TDOY faithful could hold off on the shenanigans of Dodo for one week.  (Besides, it’s not like it’s going to get any funnier, good people.)

Gonna be a crazy busy week here at Rancho Yesteryear with several outside projects dropping by like so many gentleman callers; I will definitely have something for the blog’s “On the Grapevine” feature tomorrow but Chapter 4 of The Black Widow is still up in the air.  (Which is ironic, since the title of that installment is “Peril in the Sky.”)  In the meantime, I’ve got a couple of pieces up at ClassicFlix that you might be interested in: the subjects being Ali Baba Goes to Town (1937) and The Brasher Doubloon (1947).  As Rachel Maddow would say—watch this space.

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