Serendipity…thy name is Internet.
Honestly, what are the odds of the child actor who played town councilman/farmer Sam Jones’ cretinous progeny Mike celebrating his birthday on the same day of the week that we lampoon his shining hour on television, Mayberry R.F.D.? If by some odd chance Buddy is reading this—and I sort of hope he isn’t, because he could have a lawsuit on his hands—I wish him good wishes and victory laps on his 53rd natal anniversary. (Just don’t sue me.)
But before we delve into this week’s episode, let’s borrow a feature from TDOY chum Toby “His Toobness” O’Brien and pay a “Hat Squad”-type tribute to Buddy’s extensive show bidness resume (courtesy of the always reliable IMDb*):
Foxes (1980) .... Boy in Car**
"The Rockford Files" .... Terry (1 episode, 1976)
... aka "Jim Rockford, Private Investigator" - USA (syndication title)
- Drought at Indianhead River (1976) TV episode .... Terry
"Isis" .... Billie (1 episode, 1975)
- How to Find a Friend (1975) TV episode .... Billie
"The Six Million Dollar Man" .... Wolf Boy (1 episode, 1975)
- The Wolf Boy (1975) TV episode .... Wolf Boy
Sixteen (1973) .... J.C. Irtley
... aka "The Young Prey" - USA (alternative title)
"Alias Smith and Jones" .... Alonzo Taylor (1 episode, 1972)
- Bushwack! (1972) TV episode .... Alonzo Taylor
"Emergency!" .... Frankie Pierce (1 episode, 1972)
... aka "Emergencia" - USA (Spanish title)
... aka "Emergency One" - USA (syndication title)
- Dealer's Wild (1972) TV episode .... Frankie Pierce
"Adam-12" .... Rusty Cobb / ... (2 episodes, 1970-1971)
- Pick-up (1971) TV episode .... Rusty Cobb
- Log 85: Sign of the Twins (1970) TV episode .... Terry Pendleton
Black Noon (1971) (TV) .... Ethan
The Point (1971) (TV) (voice) .... Count's Son
"Dragnet 1967" .... James Chambers (1 episode, 1969)
... aka "Dragnet" - USA (syndication title)
... aka "Dragnet 1968" - USA (second season title)
... aka "Dragnet 1969" - USA (third season title)
... aka "Dragnet 1970" - USA (fourth season title)
- Burglary Auto: Juvenile Genius (1969) TV episode .... James Chambers
Angel in My Pocket (1969) .... Sammy
"Land of the Giants" .... Tedar (1 episode, 1969)
- Rescue (1969) TV episode .... Tedar
"The Andy Griffith Show" .... Mike Jones (2 episodes, 1968)
... aka "Andy of Mayberry" - USA (rerun title)
... aka "T.A.G.S." - International (English title) (informal short title)
- Mayberry R.F.D. (1968) TV episode .... Mike Jones
- Opie and Mike (1968) TV episode .... Mike Jones
"Hondo" .... Johnny Dow (16 episodes, 1967)
- Hondo and the Rebel Hat (1967) TV episode .... Johnny Dow
- Hondo and the Gladiators (1967) TV episode .... Johnny Dow
- Hondo and the Hanging Town (1967) TV episode .... Johnny Dow
- Hondo and the Death Drive (1967) TV episode .... Johnny Dow
- Hondo and the Ghost of Ed Dow (1967) TV episode .... Johnny Dow
(11 more)
"Green Acres" .... Boy / ... (2 episodes, 1966-1967)
- The Saucer Season (1967) TV episode .... Boy
- Culture (1966) TV episode .... Emory Durkin
"Petticoat Junction" .... Clint Priddy (1 episode, 1967)
- Temperance! Temperance! (1967) TV episode .... Clint Priddy
Very impressive, Mr. Kotter! Clearly somebody in the Foster household was working hard to make sure that the family had groceries on the table. Now, being only a poor, corrupt blogger I don’t have anything resembling large reserves of spending money to get Buddy a nice gift—so I guess this will have to do…

As our episode begins, we find village idiot Goober Pyle (George Lindsey) trotting jauntily down Mayberry’s main street, passing by a building on which a banner has been unfurled. It reads:

EMMETT: Yeah…all set…
GOOBER: I’m going to get mine now…
EMMETT: Hey, Goob…ever show you this? (He holds up the baseball) Signed by Ty Cobb in person…
GOOBER: No foolin’!
(He reaches for the ball but Emmett pulls it away quickly in annoyance…)
EMMETT: The ink’s a little faded…see the “Y” right there…and there’s part of the “C”, too…
GOOBER (grinning): Ty Cobb, huh?
EMMETT: Yep…got this in 1924…game between the Yanks and Detroit…I had a box seat…when ol’ Ty walked by, I leaned out and said, “Will you autograph this ball for me?”
GOOBER: And he would?
EMMETT: Signed it right there and then…I said, “Thanks, Ty…”
GOOBER: What’d he say?
EMMETT: He said, “Not at all”…
GOOBER: Ty Cobb said that?
GOOBER: Wow…what do ya know…the bigger they are…Ty Cobb said “Not at all”…whew!
Tune in next week for another edition of “Brush with Greatness!” Actually, I don’t want to rain on Emmett’s parade…but from what I know about “The Georgia Peach” I suspect he wouldn’t have been that accommodating with an autograph. Then again, Emmett wasn’t in a wheelchair at the time, so who knows…

GOOBER: What are they puttin’ in the box lunch?
SAM: Gee, I don’t know, Goob… (Turning to Andy) Whatever they usually put in there, huh?
ANDY: Yeah…sandwich…
SAM: Yeah…piece of chicken…pickle…probably a cupcake…
ANDY: Hard-boiled egg…carrot salad…
GOOBER: I don’t like hard-boiled eggs and carrot salad…
SAM: There’s nothin’ we can do about that, Goob…
GOOBER: Gee whiz…wanna trade half a sandwich for a hard-boiled egg?
ANDY: Just forget it, Goob…

EMMETT (throwing the ball up in the air): Hey, Arnold…ever show you this?
ARNOLD: Yes, Mr. Clark…a couple of times…

Goober. Let. It. Go.
After trying to cadge a half-sandwich from Arnold in return for his despised carrot salad (Arnold’s response is quick and to the point: “No”), Goober storms out of City Hall. Whizzing past Emmett, the fix-it man asks his friend what the problem is and Goober replies snippily: “You just would not believe it.” Freddie files out of the building, too, and before Emmett can show off that damn baseball he tells Emmett: “I’ve already seen it.”

SAM: Hey, didn’t you wear your jacket to school this morning?
MIKE: My jacket? Yeah, I think so…
SAM: Yeah, I know you did…where is it?
MIKE: I…guess it’s in school someplace…Pa, can I buy a pennant at the game?
SAM: No, no…wait a minute…wait a minute…we’re talking about your jacket…boy, if you’ve lost another one, Mike—that one was practically brand-new…
MIKE: I think it’s in school someplace…
SAM: Well, where in school?
MIKE: Well, I had it at lunchtime…I think somebody stole it…
Mike seems to be changing his story, which is never a good thing in Mayberry…because you sure don’t want be standing tall before the Man (who, in this case, is Sheriff Andy Taylor). As Sam continues his lecture, we learn that Mike is a careless little twerp—it’s the second jacket he’s lost in ten days, not to mention his roller skates, his history book, his left sneaker. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that…well, damn it, he can’t have nice things.

Boy, you don’t know what trouble is. Because I don’t have to tell you people what happens, you’ve doped it out from the episode title. The little mook takes off his watch when it’s his turn to bat…and doesn’t realize he’s lost the instrument until he and Arnold ride up to Goober’s on their bikes (they’ve stopped off for some liquid refreshment…and some gay banter with two of the biggest numbnuts in Mayberry)…
GOOBER: Hey, Arnold…thought any more about the box lunch?
ARNOLD: No, not really…
GOOBER: Well, I’ve been doing a little investigatin’…and you wanna know what I found out?
GOOBER: I found out there’s gonna be cole slaw in there, too… (Deadly serious) I’ll trade you my carrot salad and hard-boiled egg for your cole slaw…
ARNOLD: Why don’t we wait till the game?
GOOBER: I just hate to leave anything til’ the last minute…

ARNOLD: This is the place that you think you laid it when you came up to bat?
MIKE: I think it was around here…you remember, I took off my watch…and I put it over here someplace with my mitt…
GOOBER: Well, it’s too bad you didn’t think about it before you left the field…
(Mike looks crestfallen)
ARNOLD: Somebody must have come along and swiped it…it’s the only thing I can figure…
Somebody’s filched his watch. Somebody’s made off with his jacket. It’s like there was a freakin’ crime wave taking place in that burg!
MIKE: Pa gave me the watch because he said I was big enough to take care of one…
ARNOLD: Yeah…grownups put you on the spot like that…
GOOBER: Yeah…they just don’t understand…
Asked by Arnold if Sam will carry out his threat to throw him out of the game, it’s all Mike can do to keep from saying “You bet your ass he will.” Mike has no other choice but to face the music—and Goober’s enough of a pal to offer him a lift in his truck so that Mike can listen to the inevitable tune…Goober and Mike pull up to the barn in time to see Sam carrying feed sacks inside, and Mike announces he’d better put his bike up because it looks like rain…

SAM: Oh, yeah…he sure is…
GOOBER: Almost perfect…of course, there ain’t nobody a hunnerd percent perfect…
SAM: No…no, of course not…
GOOBER: But I’d say Mike’s 95% perfect…and the other five percent, well, you gotta… (Dodging another sack) I say, you gotta expect…you see what I mean, don’tcha?
SAM: Well, no…no, not completely…
GOOBER: Well, I mean…somethin’ could happen to any of us and it ain’t our fault…because that’s the five percent where we ain’t perfect…
SAM: Yeah…excuse me… (He drops a sack onto the pile)
GOOBER: I know some kids that ain’t more than 80% perfect, and a couple ain’t more than 40%...how about that? (He slaps Sam on the shoulder)
SAM: Goob…if there’s something you’re trying to tell me…
GOOBER: No, no…I’m just talkin’ away…I’ll see ya… (He turns to leave…)
SAM: Yeah…
GOOBER (As an afterthought): He’s a fine boy…
SAM: Oh, yeah…

Kee-rist…this kid has been taking guilt lessons from my mother. Sam is upset about having to be the heavy in this situation, and when Mike heads into the house to wash up for supper he grumbles: “Why couldn’t you have waited until after the game to lose something.”

SAM: Well, yeah…but there’s a little more to it than that…
EMMETT: Baseball’s an all-American heritage…
SAM: Well, I know…I know…but…
EMMETT: When a kid sees his first pro game, it’s all apart of growing up into a normal, healthy American boy…
Translation: if you don’t let Mike attend this game, he’ll turn queer.
EMMETT: Think of the young men like myself who had the fortune to see the great Ty Cobb…
SAM: Ty Cobb…
EMMETT: What did they learn? Sportsmanship…honesty…integrity…base-stealing…
Emmett, the guy went into the stands one time and beat the snot out of a handicapped guy… “Okay…okay…but the next time you want your vacuum cleaner fixed, I suggest you take it someplace else!” Emmett snaps at Sam. (Yeah, you’re sitting on your ass at a bus station bench. Clearly you’re not swamped with business at this present juncture.)

No, Sam’s going to have to settle for a chinwag with Arnold, who’s waiting to see him in the city council office. Arnold laments that it’s too bad about Mike losing the watch and that those things used to happen to him all the time—but that they disappeared with the onset of maturity. (Again, is there a reason this kid associates with a younger crowd other than to feel better about his mediocre scholastic progress?)
ARNOLD: You know…I generally don’t play with kids Mike’s age…but he’s a fine boy…

ANDY: Sam? I once knew, uh…this, uh…this fellow, see…and he had kind of a similar problem…his kid kept coming in…late all the time…and, uh…so this fellow told his kid, he said “If you come in late one more time…then you’re gonna have to stay inside this whole next weekend…”
SAM: Yeah? What happened?
ANDY (chuckling): Well, the fellow forgot that that weekend was the kid’s first scout campout…
SAM: Oh…and the kid came in late, huh?
ANDY: Well…it looked like he was gonna come in late…but he just barely made it…that is, after the fellow turned the clock back twice…

SAM: So if I was to work it like this, uh, fellow…I’d find some way to get around this whole thing, huh?
ANDY: Yeah… (Quickly correcting himself) Well, I…I don’t know…I just thought you’d might like to hear what this fellow did…

SAM: Look…you want to go to the game, don’t you?
MIKE: How can I go to the game? I’ve already lost something…
SAM: Well, yeah, but…see, the rule I made was that if you lost something but then you found it…you could still go…
MIKE: That’s not what you said…
SAM: Well, I meant to…anyway, if you find a watch—it’s not lost, is it?

ANDY: Is that that carrot salad?
GOOBER (with his mouth full): Yeah…wouldn’t nobody trade with me…I just hate it, too…
SAM: Why do you eat it?
GOOBER: I paid for it, didn’t I?

EMMETT (jubilantly): He was the second baseman on the other team…he autographed it for me…
SAM: Well, he’s just an ordinary ballplayer…
ANDY: Yeah…isn’t he the one who struck out five times?
EMMETT: That’s right…that’s a record!
Emmett bounces the ball on the floor, and Andy manages to catch it—as he also says a silent prayer that his guest star purgatory on this sorry spin-off has finally come to an end.

*I am, as always, being as sarcastic as I can possibly be. Also—I eliminated his Mayberry R.F.D. appearances because I quite naturally don’t want to spoil any future shows for the vast reader in the audience.
**I guess this was Jodie’s meager way of returning the favor for letting her appear in the R.F.D. episodes “Youth Takes Over” and “The Church Play.” Stay classy, Alicia C.!
Caught George Lindsay last night on a BANACEK episode ("Ten Thousand Dollars a Page") in a totally straight role.
Caught George Lindsay last night on a BANACEK episode ("Ten Thousand Dollars a Page") in a totally straight role.
Ooh, I would have liked to see that. Despite my incessant lampooning of the Goober character (Andrew Leal e-mailed me the other day, calling me his "Goober-hating friend") I do respect Lindsay as an actor, having seen him in serious turns on The Twilight Zone and The Alfred Hitchcock Hour.
During our reunion respite, I managed to catch an episode or two of The Andy Griffith Show on TVLand and was surprised to hear Goob referred to as "Goober Beasley." Those people at TAGS really had problems with continuity at times (example: Millie Hutchins on TAGS became Millie Swanson on R.F.D.).
Honestly, what are the odds of the child actor who played town councilman/farmer Sam Jones’ cretinous progeny Mike celebrating his birthday on the same day of the week that we lampoon his shining hour on television, Mayberry R.F.D.?
Uh, is it one in seven? [laughing] Cheers, Ivan, ChrisV visiting (from the future!).
As crazy as it seems, Ty was pretty good about autographs. After he retired, he was extremely reliable through the mail, always using green ink.
"Clearly somebody in the Foster household was working hard to make sure that the family had groceries on the table."
Great rebuttal to Jodie Foster.
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