HOWARD: Well, I’ve been watching those kids on TV… (Reaching into his pocket for some change) What’ll be this time, gang—a little cha-cha-cha?
MILLIE: Anything you want, Howard…
SAM: Hey, what do you say we sit down and let the dust settle, huh?
GRACE/MILLIE (disappointed): Ohhh…
HOWARD: Oh…okay…but I was just getting warmed up…
Yes, I can see why the girls are disappointed…because nothing beats the sight of a rhythmically-impaired white guy trying to frug furiously on the dance floor. Millie and Grace excuse themselves to go to the powder room, which means Sam now has to engage Howard in awkward conversation…and if anyone can explain to me why that diner always has breadsticks on the table, the comments section awaits.

SAM: Yeah…yeah, I’ve been noticin’ you kind of go for her…
HOWARD: Shows, huh?
SAM: Oh, yeah…yeah…
HOWARD: Well, she’s more darn fun…and real easy to talk to… (Sighs) I guess I’m kind of stuck on her…
SAM: Well…you two seem to get along, too…
HOWARD: Oh, sure we do… (After a pause) I mean, I hope we do…
SAM: Hmm…problem?
HOWARD: Mmm…I don’t know…I mean…we talk a lot, and have fun and stuff…well…something seems to be missing…

HOWARD: I mean…you and Millie have it…whatever it is—I mean, it’s there...you can see it…
SAM: Well…yeah, we do have a good time together…I think it’s because we have a lot in common…you know, we share the same interests…
HOWARD: Gee, that’s real nice…
SAM: Yeah…we both like fishing…bowling…we both like the same movies…
HOWARD: I’m probably worried about nothing…

MILLIE: He’s sure got eyes for you tonight…
GRACE: Hmm…I always have a good time with Howard…
MILLIE: Nice fella…
GRACE: Oh, yes…a perfect gentleman…
MILLIE: Think there could be anything serious…?
GRACE: Well…we’ve only had a few dates…I mean…I like Howard a lot, but…well…we’d better get back…
“Howard just leaves me…unsatisfied…” is what Grace is trying to diplomatically say to Millie…though considering Millie and Howard’s previous history on The Andy Griffith Show, I’m sure Mill’s already rode that bus. It’s not that Grace dislikes Howard—“I mean, he’s pleasant…and reliable…he’s always on time…but…”

The next morning finds Howard seated at a table inside the council office and scanning a newspaper to see if his name might be in it. (He’s also dressed in a flannel shirt and casual slacks, which would seem to suggest that there’s nothing going on at his place of business…and that he must want to speak to Sam, otherwise he’d be pissing around at the fix-it shop.)
HOWARD: I’ve been thinking over what you said last night…
SAM: What did I say?
HOWARD: About you and Millie having things in common and sharing each other’s interests…
SAM: Oh, yeah! Yeah!
HOWARD: Well, I’ve decided that’s what’s missing in my relationship with Grace…we just haven’t laid the foundation for togetherness…
Something’s not getting laid, that’s for certain. But I digress…
HOWARD: You know, a person can’t always be up…
I swear…sometimes the jokes just write themselves…

SAM: Yeah…yeah, I feel that way, Howard…
HOWARD: For instance—wouldn’t it be great if Grace could get the same thrill out of my coin collection as I do?
SAM: Yeah…that would be great…uh-huh…
HOWARD: I don’t think I’ve ever even mentioned that I have a coin collection—it just never occurred before…
How Grace has managed to avoid sashaying down the matrimonial aisle with Mr. Excitement here is a question best left to imminent R.F.D. scholars more qualified than myself. But even with Grace watching the precious sands in the hourglass fall while spending pointless, boring hours staring at uncirculated coinage, Howard acknowledges that he would only be too willing to share in her hobbies, wondering out loud: “Be interesting to know what she gets her kicks out of…”
Wait for it…

HOWARD: Oh, hey—I see you play chess!
GRACE (off camera): Oh, not me…I just bought that because it looks pretty there…
HOWARD: Oh… (Brightening) Oh, then you like decorating, huh?
GRACE (off camera): Unh-unh…I needed something to cover a watermark on the table…
Grace makes a not-so-grand entrance, and the two exchange compliments on how they look…she announces she’s going to get her coat, but Howard tells her there’s no big rush…

HOWARD (motioning for her to sit): Well…let’s sit down…you know…you know, Grace…a man and a woman can know each other for quite a while…and yet…not really know each other…
Well, not in the Biblical sense, anyway.
HOWARD: I mean, they can have fun and enjoy each other’s company and all…but…it should go deeper than that…there should be sharing…of everything…
GRACE: You trying to tell me you want to go Dutch to the movies?
Oh, Gracie—you’re just being obtuse on purpose. It sounds like Howard wants to ride you like a carousel pony. And believe me, for Howard this is a breakthrough…

GRACE: No, I…guess we haven’t…
HOWARD (beaming): You know, I happen to have…one of the finest coin collections in all of Mayberry…
Um, Howard…that coin collection pickup line hasn’t worked for you in the past and why you keep insisting on using it is a mystery for the ages. Unless you rebound with something like “By the way, I’m hung like a delicatessen salami” Grace is going to show you the exit tuit suite.
GRACE: Oh, that’s…that’s wonderful…I’ve never known much about coins…
HOWARD: Well, it’s very stimulating—I’d love to get you interested in it…but you know, this is a two-way street…I insist on sharing your hobby, too…
GRACE (hesitant) Oh…that’s very sweet of you…but…
HOWARD: You do have a hobby—don’t you?
GRACE: Oh…well, yes…but it’s kind of silly…
HOWARD: Aw…come on, now…nothing you do could be silly…not to me…
Grace tries to sidestep the issue of her extracurricular activity by insisting that they’ll be late for the movie if they don’t hurry—but Howard determinedly presses her into admitting what tickles her fancy. It would be ten times funnier if she answered: “Bondage…I like the kinky stuff”—but instead, she’s working up to admitting that she gets a thrill out of, as my father often describes it, “jumping out of perfectly good airplanes”:

HOWARD: Well, I’m not “some people,” you know…I pride myself on being completely open-minded and adaptable…
GRACE: But I wouldn’t want you to disapprove…
HOWARD: Nonsense! Believe me, I’m wide open—I like bowling, hiking, dancing…as a matter of fact, before I go I want to be able to say I’ve tried everything…
Even sleeping with a woman. (By the way, the suspense is killing me…)
GRACE: Well…
HOWARD: Come on…tell me what it is…
GRACE: Skydiving…

HOWARD: Skydiving! (Laughing) Out of a paraplane with an airachute?
GRACE: That’s right…
HOWARD: Oh, my…
Howard is a bit unsteady on his feet, as if he’s about to tip over…and it would appear he’s mucked his chance to impress Grace, who impatiently insists they head out the door or they’ll miss the movie—Fathom (1967). (Okay, I made this up—actually, I wanted to use The Gypsy Moths [1969] because it sounded funnier, but that film wouldn’t be released until six months after this episode first aired.)

EMMETT: Now… (Goober strikes one of the typewriter keys upon hearing this command, and Emmett reacts in disgust) Boy, the way people ruin things…
GOOBER: Well, if people didn’t ruin things you wouldn’t have nothin’ to fix…ain’t I right, Sam?
SAM (obviously humoring him): Mm-hmm…right, Goob…
GOOBER (to Sam): I think of a lot of things like that…
“But I can’t figure out why my head always hurts.” Anyway, Howard crosses the threshold, with a pensive look on his face. He’s offered some coffee courtesy of Emmett but declines on account of his “feeling a little queasy this morning.”

HOWARD (distracted leafing through a magazine): Hmm? Oh…yeah…I guess… (There is a pause as Howard glances over at Goober and Emmett, who are still working on the typewriter…he then stands up to speak) You know, I read an interesting magazine article …all about skydiving…
GOOBER: Skydiving…you mean jumpin’ out of them airplanes?
HOWARD: Yeah…I understand…uh…a lot of people are taking it up…
EMMETT: Lot of idiots, you mean…
Physician…heal thyself.

GOOBER: Well…it’d sure be a thrill, I’ll tell you that…
HOWARD: Would you do it?
GOOBER; Well, heck no…I’m as chicken as you are…
EMMETT: I can’t even imagine why anyone would try it…
SAM: Oh, probably want to prove something to themselves…
EMMETT: Yeah…if they don’t prove it, it probably don’t matter much anymore…
This bon mot from the Robert Benchley of the repair shop set starts Emmett and Goober off on a laughing jag, and Howard looks noticeably hurt. “Well…it sounds scary, but it’s not supposed to be real dangerous…a lot of girls even do it…”

SAM: Uh…nothing, Howard…really…I…uh…I just wanted to get you out of there…you…you were beginning to look a little green…
HOWARD: You know, huh?
SAM: Well, I can guess—Grace’s hobby is skydiving?
HOWARD: Yeah… (With a sick look on his face) Boy, did I ever get a live one…
SAM (laughing): Did you give her that pitch about…wanting to share interests?
HOWARD: Did I! I walked right into it…me and my coin collection…
Sam reassures Howard that he’s not going to have to follow through with “sharing Grace’s interests”—but Howard, braver (and stupider) than at any time in my recent memory, insists that he has to man up:

SAM: Well then, Howard…if you want my advice…you’ll get yourself another girl…
HOWARD: But I don’t want another girl…I want Grace! She’s so cute, and sweet, and pretty…
SAM: …and she jumps out of airplanes…
HOWARD: Sam, I’m going to have to do it…
SAM: Oh, Howard…
HOWARD: No, a man has to face life…now if…if I don’t do it now, I’d just be sneaking out…I’d never be able to face myself…
I know I’ve ragged a good deal on Howard in the past, but I have to admit I kind of admire his stance here—he’s grabbing life by its testicles and he’s going to go for the gusto at the risk of his own life. His mother, of course, is going to set a new world’s record for sh*tting bricks…but that’s an episode for another day.
At this point in the conversation, Millie walks in…and inquires “Don’t you feel good?” of Howard because she, too, has noticed he’s a bit green around the gills. When Sam fills Millie in on Howard’s daredevil intentions, Millie surprises her boyfriend by giving Howard a thumbs-up of approval…

SAM: You do?
MILLIE: Yes! That’s so romantic…doing something like that for the girl you love… (She giggles)
SAM (to Howard): Women…
I positively love Millie to death…but I have to admit that she can be a bit ditzy at times.

SAM: Forget it…
HOWARD (heading for the exit): Well, I’ll see you…
SAM: Okay, Howard…
(Howard makes it to the door, but turns around to face Sam and Millie)
HOWARD: I don’t even like coming down in elevators…

HOWARD: 28,000 feet, huh?
CHUCK: Oh, that’s just the first jump…you’ll get to go a lot higher later…
HOWARD: Oh… (He gives out with a nervous chuckle)
GRACE: Oh, I just know you’re going to love it, Howard…
HOWARD: Oh, you bet…you bet… (To Chuck, with concern in his voice) You do get to wear two chutes, don’t ya?
Chuck assures Howard that the “two chutes” are mandated by law, and goes off in search of a reserve parachute to demonstrate. Meanwhile, Grace is just about ready to cream her jeans over the prospect of her boyfriend taking to the wild blue yonder with her…

HOWARD (trying to be modest): Oh…well…
GRACE: Oh, you don’t know the fun we’re gonna have together…floating through the sky…and wait until you try your first freefall…there’s just nothing like it!
HOWARD (faking enthusiasm): Oh, I’ll bet there isn’t…
GRACE: I’m just thrilled that you decided to take it up…I’ve already lost two boyfriends because of it…
HOWARD (his face slightly frozen): You did??
GRACE: Uh-huh…they found out I was interested in parachute jumping and just…disappeared…

SAM: Tomorrow? Well, that soon, huh?
HOWARD: Yeah… yeah, they move you right along…
SAM: Uh-huh …
HOWARD: Of course, with the instruction I’ve had I’m not worried…I mean, I can see that it’s safe… it really is…
SAM: Great…
HOWARD: It’s very safe…
SAM: Mm-hmm…great…
HOWARD: So…tomorrow’s the day…
SAM: Well, that’s…that’s great…
HOWARD (after a long pause and glancing out the window): Of course, it might rain…you don’t think it’ll rain tomorrow, do ya?
SAM: Uh…no, Howard…I’m afraid not… (Pause) Ohhhh…look, Howard…you don’t have to go through with this thing…
HOWARD: Well, yes I do…
SAM: No, you don’t…Grace will understand…
HOWARD: It’s not just Grace…not now…what about myself?
SAM: Believe me, Howard…no one’s going to think less of you if you decide not to go through with this thing…

EMMETT: Don’t tell him to hurry up…he’s packing his chute!
GOOBER: Sorry, Howard…go ahead and take your time…you wanna get it right
EMMETT: Yeah…don’t mind us…we’ll just watch…
Never a claw machine on the premises when you need one…as Howard continues to pack, Goober provides color commentary…

HOWARD: Oh, this isn’t the parachute, Goober…this is the pilot chute…
GOOBER: Oh…complicated, ain’t it?
HOWARD: No…not too…
EMMETT: Did you stow the lines on the locking flap?
EMMETT (pointing to a chart on the wall): It says that’s the most important step…
HOWARD: Yeah, I did that…
GOOBER: Double-checked it, huh?
HOWARD (staring at Goober): Double-checked what?
GOOBER: Well, what Emmett said…the most important thing...
HOWARD: Well, no, I didn’t double-check it…I just did it…
GOOBER: I guess you know what you’re doin’… (After a pause) I’d double-check it myself…
I kind of have to stop here at this point in the transcript because the source of this episode experiences a satellite outage, so some of the sparkling repartee exchanged between Howard and his idiot friends is missing…

SAM: Well…well…you look pretty professional there, Howard…
HOWARD: Huh ho…well…
GRACE: What took you so long, sweetie? You had time to pack and repack your chute…
GOOBER: He did…three times!!!
Chuck, from inside the plane, tells Howard it’s time—and he’s given well wishes from his friends…Millie and Grace both tell him how brave he is (causing him to swell slightly, pride-wise) and of course, you can always depend on His Goobness to raise the tone when he shouts: “Watch that first step…it’s a biggun!” As he and Emmett cackle like barnyard hens, Howard gives him this look…

SAM: Hmm…
HOWARD: And it was pretty spooky…
SAM: Oh, I’ll bet…gonna do it again?
HOWARD: Maybe, but…not too often…

HOWARD: Grace!
GRACE: Hi, Sam!
SAM: Hey, Grace…
GRACE: How do you like my new bike? Isn’t it too much?
HOWARD: This is yours?
GRACE: Sure! Hop on, I’ll give you a spin!
HOWARD: Oh, well, I…
GRACE: Oh, come on, sit behind me…
HOWARD: …I don’t really think…
GRACE: We’ll both get one! Oh, you’re gonna love it…we’ll go hill climbing, and racing, and everything…even jumping over barrels…
With Howard seated on the back, Grace guns the engines and revs off into the distance…

Not much of a coda on this one, mainly because it’s folly to try and top that hilarious bike gag. Howard further explains to Sam: “If I was ever to marry a girl like that, I’d spend most of my time in the hospital.” So Millie comes skipping into view…
MILLIE: Oh, Sam…I’ve got something very exciting to tell you…
SAM: What’s that?
MILLIE: I finally decided what hobby I’m going to take up…
SAM: Oh, come on, now…
MILLIE (giggling and squealing) No, it’s exciting! You’re gonna love it!
SAM: Quit it!
MILLIE: You’re gonna love it!
SAM: Okay…okay, what is it?
MILLIE: Needlepoint…

The breadsticks suggest they are not at the diner, but at Morelli's in Mt. Pilot. At least, that's my guess!
I love these recaps. You've done a fine thing for humanity here, Mr. TDOY. What i'd love to know is what you really think of this show -- i haven't seen it in eons and always couldn't get past the idea that Andy and Barney once shook up that shaky little burg... but it was always fine to pass the time there. Are you witty snarky asides your true feelings, or are you hiding a gentle, embraceable hankering for more Goobe and (the anti-Floyd) Emmett?
"Lassie’s interpreter during the penultimate season of that long-running drama..."
Actually, Ron Hayes was Lassie's interpreter during the penultimate season. Larry Pennell was the final one.
Actually, Ron Hayes was Lassie's interpreter during the penultimate season. Larry Pennell was the final one.
Believe it or not, I had written it that way in the original draft...and then changed it without bothering to consult a reference book. Serves me right for relying on my fast-fading memory...thanks for keeping me honest.
The breadsticks suggest they are not at the diner, but at Morelli's in Mt. Pilot. At least, that's my guess!
And you're probably right...the only reason why I was curious is because I watched an earlier episode in which Sam, Millie and Howard were kickin' back at the diner and there were breadsticks on the table there--and because Howard announces he just came over for a cup of coffee, I assumed it was the Mayberry eatery (unless he wanted to drive around for that cuppa joe).
What i'd love to know is what you really think of this show -- i haven't seen it in eons and always couldn't get past the idea that Andy and Barney once shook up that shaky little burg... but it was always fine to pass the time there.
My favorite description of Mayberry R.F.D. comes from the TV Party! website: "Even if there was no whip behind the cream, before you realized it, you were soaking in it." As a whole, I'm sort of ambivalent toward the show--I don't hate it, but I wouldn't run anybody over to keep from missing an episode either.
Are you witty snarky asides your true feelings, or are you hiding a gentle, embraceable hankering for more Goobe and (the anti-Floyd) Emmett?
I'm going to try and flesh out a better answer to this when I reach the end of the first season in seven more shows--because I'll probably take a breather that week to recharge the batteries. As for Emmett being "the anti-Floyd"--that the funniest thing I've heard all week.
I know I rag on Howard quite a bit, but he is one of my favorite R.F.D. characters. The motorcycle bit in this episode literally made me laugh out loud...I thought, "You know, you rarely see someone in a sitcom do something that intelligent."
If Howard's parachute fails, that helmet isn't going to help much.
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