Cowpoke Ace Andrews (Dick Foran) and his sidekick “Small Change” Turner (George E. Stone) are in search of work after the carnival employing them hangs up its “out of business” sign (Andrews is a trick rider, Turner an “escape artist”). Their unemployed status finds them drifting back to Ace’s old stomping grounds of Wagon Wheel Gulch…but for some of the townsfolk, Andrews is persona au gratin—he’s still a “person of interest” in the murder of Butch Roberts, a local rancher. There was bad blood a-plenty between the two hombres—Ace threaten to kill Butch if he ever caught him mistreating a horse again—and legal shyster Buck Cantwell (Robert Barrat) seems to have a vested interest in making certain Ace checks into The Grey Bar Hotel.
Butch’s widow Barbara (Sheila Mannors) arrives in town not
long afterward, with her young son Dickie (Dick Jones) in tow. Under the terms of Butch’s will (Barbara left
her husband not long after they tied the knot when she found out what a wanker
he was), Dickie must live on the ranch until he’s 21 for he and his ma to
inherit the place…and if the Roberts aren’t on the property by midnight (thirty
days after Butch is buried) that evening, they lose everything. Barbara can’t get anyone in town to escort
her out to the ranch, but once Ace learns all the details, he volunteers his
and Small Change’s services. The two men
are momentarily detained by the town sheriff (Joseph King), who throws them
into the hoosegow on the orders of Cantwell.
But the lawman isn’t convinced of either man’s guilt, and doesn’t make
too concerted an effort to secure the door to their cell (allowing them to
escape and high-tail it out the back).
Ace and Small Change meet up with Barbara and Dickie on the
way to their ranch…and though Luke Thomas (Joe Sawyer)—who’s been running the
spread since Butch’s death…and bleeding it dry—does everything in his power to
make sure they don’t meet the deadline (including sending a wild horse stampede
their way), Ace gets Dickie on the property with two minutes to spare. Andrews is convinced that both Luke and Buck
found out about the terms of Butch’s will and dispatched Butch to the Happy
Hunting Ground…and he’s able to prove it before the movie’s sixty-three-minute
running time ends.
Moonlight on the
Prairie (1935) was the first of fourteen westerns Richard “Dick” Foran
(that’s how Foran was billed on the posters, btw) made for Warner Brothers
between 1935 and 1938…and while I’ll admit I’m not much of a fan of these
oaters (Foran’s warbling as “The Singing Cowboy” gets wearisome after a while)
I was very entertained by Prairie. (Boyd Magers at Western
Clippings isn’t as generous as I will be—he gives Prairie two stars.) I particularly
liked how the film kicks off with the slam-bang B-Western action from the
get-go, with Ace at the reins of a speeding stagecoach being attacked by
outlaws. (It’s then revealed that this
is all part of his carnival act.)

Sheila Mannors makes for a lovely leading lady, and she’s
feisty as well, slapping villain Joe Sawyer (whose character of Luke Thomas is
pretty much in his cups for the entirety of film) when he needs it while
fending off the amorous advances of Robert Barrat’s Cantwell. I’m not normally a champion of kid thespians
as you are well familiar…but I liked Dickie Jones in this (hey—he played Henry
Aldrich on radio at one time) and was chortling that his character’s name is “Dickie
Roberts,” because it seems appropriate for a child star. (Get it?
Dickie Roberts? (Former) Child Star? Okay, the staffer who assured me the David
Spade reference would kill—off the payroll.) Of course, I shouldn’t leave out the
contributions of Foran’s noble steed “Smoke” (who even gets second billing in
this!), a horse who comes to the rescue when the chips are down. (Though Smoke is no Trigger, who probably
looked up from his Advanced Math homework at his rival’s antics and just whinnied. His homework is in Trigger-nometry, you know. Oh, yeah…that writer is dead to me now.)
Moonlight on the
Prairie is competently directed by journeyman D. Ross Lederman and scripted
by William Jacobs (he adapted his story, “Boss of the Bar B Ranch”) Fortunately
for me, I have only one more Dick Foran western to get through and then he’ll
no doubt disappear from B-Western
Wednesdays for a while (unless The Greatest Cable Channel Known to Mankind™
schedules more of them soon). Moonlight on the Prairie is an
exception to Foran’s sagebrush oeuvre, however, and it’s available on the
Warner Archive MOD collection Dick Foran Western Collection.
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