Oh, and I also want to apologize in advance for the sh*tty screen caps. (They’re even worse than usual.)

GOOBER: Hey, fellers—did you hear about the new couple in town?
SAM: Yeah…Howard got it from Clay over at the gas company…
GOOBER: Well, I got it from Henry Waters—told me he got an order from the new people to deliver a quart of milk and a half a pint of cottage cheese ev’ry day…
HOWARD: Hmm…sounds like they’re digging in…
GOOBER: Well, not really…I checked with Harvey Bradshaw over at the real estate office and he told me they’re only takin’ the place for three months…
HOWARD: Three months, huh? No huntin’ this time of year and the fishin’ don’t amount to much…I wonder what brought them to Mayberry?

GOOBER: Well, why didn’t he ask ‘em when they signed up for gas?
HOWARD: Well, I’m sure I don’t know, Goober…
GOOBER: I mean, the gas company has a right to ask questions…
SAM: Well, we’ll just have to be patient…
GOOBER: Well, I’ll tell you one thing—they’ll be driving into the station one day and I’ll find out then… (He turns to leave)
GOOBER (doubling back): You’d think a guy that works at the gas company would have sense enough to ask people questions every now and then… (Back out towards the door) The things you put up with nowadays…

GOOBER: You know, there’s a lot of folks here dyin’ to know why a New York couple would come to a small town like Mayberry for three months…’course, I said it’s none of their business but you know how some people are…
FRANK: Well, it’s no secret…I…
GOOBER (interrupting): It don’t make no difference to me…I say what a man does is his own business…
(Goober starts to make his way towards the hood of Frank’s car…)

GOOBER: Oh… (After a pause) You know, if you felt like tellin’ somebody I wouldn’t be impolite and not listen…
FRANK: I’m a writer, Goober…
GOOBER (visibly impressed): A writer! Um…uh…you mean, you write stories?
FRANK: That’s right…
GOOBER: And you come all the way down here to write?
FRANK: Yeah, I sure do…
GOOBER: To get ideas and everything…
FRANK: Yeah—you see, sometimes your creative juices sometimes dry up and a change of scenery often helps…
Who knew Mayberry’s simple countryside majesty could be so inspiring? Frank tells Goober that he’s sure the car’s “all filled up” and Goob races around to the back of the car to remove the nozzle, noting: “Never mind the spill over…on the house!” (That’s the wondrous thing about classic TV sitcoms like R.F.D.—marveling at the quaint technological setbacks that we have since overcome with…science!)

SAM: Well…a writer, huh?
GOOBER: Yeah—first one we ever had in Mayberry…I mean, real professional, that is…
SAM: Yeah…I’ll bet this’ll really shake up the Literary Club, huh…?
GOOBER: Hey, ain’t they meetin’ tonight?
SAM: Yeah…at my house…it was Aunt Bee’s turn…what’s this fellow’s name?
GOOBER: Frank Wylie…
SAM: Frank Wylie…no, I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of him…
GOOBER: Oh…well, when you tell the Literary Club about him, you be sure to mention that I was the one who found out who he is…
Sam assures Goober that he’ll get all the credit, and Goober goes on his merry way. Sam, seated at his desk, thinks for a moment and then asks out loud: “Frank Wylie?”

AUNT BEE: Howard, I couldn’t agree with you more…
HOWARD (smugly): I think we all realize that it’s a novel of symbolic allegory…
EMMETT (to the person sitting next to him): What did he say?
MELANIE FINNEY: He said it was a novel of symbolic allegory…and I think that’s perfectly obvious…
HOWARD: Don’t you concur, Emmett?
EMMETT: I read that book from cover to cover, and to me it’s nothin’ but a story about a whale and a crazy captain…
MR. CARVER: You apparently missed the whole point of the book…
EMMETT (accusingly): Are you calling me stupid?
Perish the thought! But I will…you repair shop Philistine…
MELANIE: Mr. Clark…it’s not a question of stupidity… (Ivan’s note: Yes, it is.) It’s a question of comprehension…
EMMETT: Well, I still say it’s nothing more than a story about a…whale and a crazy captain who goes chasin’ all over the ocean after him…big deal!
HOWARD: Emmett, I personally think you’ve reduced this whole discussion to a ridiculous level…

AUNT BEE: Is he famous?
SAM: Well, not to me, Aunt Bee—but he might be famous to you people who keep up with the literary world…his name’s Frank Wylie…
(The club members repeat Wylie’s name out loud in an effort to recall just who the hell he is…)
MELANIE: The name sounds familiar…
CARVER: It certainly does…
AUNT BEE: You know, it…sounds familiar to me, too…
EMMETT: I never heard of him…
HOWARD: Well, you never heard of Sax Rohmer till we discussed Dr. Fu Manchu!

MELANIE: And Bee, as Hospitality Chairman, I think it’s important that you go…
AUNT BEE: Oh…well…all right…and I think the sooner the better…I think we’ll call on him tomorrow…’round five o’clock should be all right—I understand that’s when writers have cocktails…

A scene shift finds Howard and Aunt Bee chatting up Audrey Wylie, who informs the two of them that her husband is currently out having a stroll through the countryside (I’ll just bet—he’s probably hiding in a closet because he doesn’t want to see them). You know—there’s something awfully familiar about Audrey:

EMMETT: A gal, yeah…but a whale? To me, that ain’t literature…
SAM: Well, Emmett…
(Goober opens the front door to the shop and walks right in…)
GOOBER: Hey fellers!
SAM: Oh, hi, Goob…
GOOBER: I just heard Mr. Wylie’s gonna speak at the Literary Club…
EMMETT: Yeah, that’s right…
GOOBER: I was the one who found out he was a writer, you know…
SAM: Yeah…I know…
EMMETT (with his head in the clock): Sure created a lot of excitement…everybody’s tryin’ to join the club to hear him speak…
SAM: Yeah. I know—I turned over the council office to the membership committee…they’ve been going over new applications…
GOOBER: Hey—I wonder if I could join…
EMMETT: I don’t know why not—they’re takin’ everybody else…
GOOBER (accusingly): Is that supposed to be some sort of a crack?
Yes. Yes, it is. Actually, it’s Emmett’s ineffectual way of exacting revenge on that smart-aleck club member who burned him earlier at last night’s meeting, by trying to feel superior to Goober. (Invertebrates are superior to Goober.) Sam tries to head off any potential display of fisticuffs by telling Goober that he ought to go over to the office and join.
And…cue the Literary Club…
HOWARD: Uh…do you have Dave Haskins’ name there, Miss Finney?
MELANIE: Yes…now that makes eight new members…
CARVER: A few more and that’ll be all we can handle…
MELANIE: We still must remain selective…if we just take in anybody, it’ll threaten the foundation of the club…
(The others murmur in agreement)
GOOBER (entering from the front door): Hey everybody!

HOWARD: Sam’s not here, Goober…
GOOBER: Yeah, I know…I come over to join the Literary Club…I’m gettin’ real interested in this stuff… (The silence becomes deafening…) Well, I can afford the dues…
HOWARD: Look, Goob…
MELANIE (interrupting): Unfortunately, Goober—the membership is now closed…
CARVER: Yeah, we’ve already reached our quota…

(Every member at the table calls out a different number)
GOOBER: You’re sayin’ I can’t join…
MELANIE (dripping with insincerity): Sorry, Goober…
Now wait just a cotton-pickin’ minute—you mean to tell me that you’ll let a Neanderthal like Emmett—a man who thinks of Lorna Doone as nothing more than a shortbread cookie—join this little koffee klatch but Goober can’t? There can be only one explanation for this. Goober must be Jewish.

SAM: Hey, Howard…what’s this about…not taking Goober in…?
HOWARD: Well…look, Sam…it’s nothing personal, but…I don’t think Goober’s ever read anything but a comic book in his whole life!
SAM: Well, maybe so…but…what harm could it do to let him join?
MELANIE: Mr. Jones…we try to maintain standards in the club…
CARVER: And when somebody just reads comic books, well, then he just doesn’t belong with us!
HOWARD: Sam…I’m just as much a friend of Goober’s as you are…
“Some of my best friends are comic book-reading gas pump jockeys…”
HOWARD: …but when Frank Wylie is addressing the group, I’m not going to take a chance on having Goober stand up and ask some crazy question about monsters from outer space!

SAM: Aunt Bee…you know there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about…something that’s bothering me, and I haven’t mentioned it before because…well, I’m not a member of the club…
If these two start making love I swear this is the last Mayberry R.F.D. episode I’ll ever watch…mostly because my eyes will have been clawed out…
AUNT BEE: Well, what is it, Sam?
SAM: Well, you know they took in a lot of new members, but…they turned down Goober…
AUNT BEE: Oh…I didn’t know that…
SAM: Yeah, and I think he felt pretty badly about it…his pride, you know…
AUNT BEE: Well…since the meeting is being held here I don’t think we need to stand on ceremony—I would like you to invite him personally…

FRANK: That Literary Club meeting?
AUDREY: Mm-hmm…
FRANK: Did you ever tell them the type of thing I do?
AUDREY: Why, no, dear—you’ve always told me to avoid it whenever I could…

FRANK: Write comic strips and people think you’re crazy…I wish you hadn’t accepted that thing…
AUDREY: Oh, honey—they seem like such nice people…incidentally, have you thought about what you’re going to talk about at the meeting?
“Our Friend, the Amphetamine or: Why Johnny Can’t Blink.”

AUDREY: Oh! (She scoops it up) Yes, dear…I finished it…
FRANK: Terrific, huh?
AUDREY: I’m sure it is…
FRANK (getting up from his table): I know it’s right…I can always feel it when I’ve got a good story going…as a matter of fact, that may be the best thing I’ve ever done—don’t you think?
AUDREY: Well now, darling—you know I don’t know anything about writing…
FRANK: Well, of course you do! I’ve always respected your judgment…now, come on…tell me, right out…what do you think of it?

Do you remember a time when you could just take the car out for a drive and not even think about how much a gallon of gas was going to cost you? If you do, then you’ve got one hell of a memory—but this is 1969, and OPEC hasn’t been invented yet. Frank pulls into Goob’s service station for another fill-up and the subject quickly turns to Wylie’s writer’s block:

FRANK (shaking his head): Nothing…
GOOBER: Yeah, I guess they’re hard to think of…
FRANK: I’d say that’s pretty accurate…
GOOBER: ‘Course, I ain’t no writer but I think of a lot of stories while I’m sittin’ around here waitin’ for customers…
FRANK: Oh? Good…
GOOBER: Yeah…it’s mostly like the stuff I read in the comic books…sometimes I get new ideas…you know, there’s always a monster who comes out of the swamp to eat Philadelphia or somethin’…well, d’ja ever notice how they make the monster out to be a bad guy?
FRANK (inattentive): Uh…you might check the oil, too…
GOOBER: Right…somethin’ in this story I thought of, the monster would be a hero…
FRANK (still not listening): Uh…also, look at the battery…
Then Frank pauses a moment to let Goober’s idea sink in. “Hero?” he says out loud.

GOOBER: Yeah! Ev’rybody’d think he was comin’ out of the swamp to do somethin’ bad but as it turns out, he came to help the people…
FRANK (still mulling this over): Creature who saved a city…
GOOBER: Yeah…I guess that kinda story wouldn’t interest you, though…
Do you realize what this means? Goober is a literary savant! (He also tells Frank that his oil looks okay and his battery is fine.)

HOWARD: Goober!
SAM: Yeah…I invited him…
MELANIE: Mr. Jones…I thought we made our feelings perfectly clear about Goober…
SAM: Yeah…I still decided to invite him…
HOWARD (upset): I’m worried enough about Emmett—who knows what Goober’s going to say?

Frank generalizes about how writers search for story ideas, emphasizing that sometimes new surroundings provide inspiration for new ideas—and after bestowing much praise on a nameless individual who clearly jump-started his thinking processes, he reveals the identity of his new collaborator to the anxious crowd in attendance…

AUNT BEE: Why, Goober—you’re wonderful!
GOOBER: Oh, it’s not anything…
AUNT BEE: You’re just being modest…
GOOBER: Yeah, I know…

HOWARD: I will admit, Goob—I’m still recovering…I never thought you had it in you…
GOOBER: Well, it’s just for a comic book, like Mr. Wylie said…
SAM: Well, it’s still important…here…
(Sam moves a chair over to the wall to help Emmett put the wall clock back in its place)
EMMETT: A monster for a hero? Heh…I gotta admit, that’s not a bad ideer—makes a lot more sense than a crazy captain chasin’ a whale…
HOWARD: Oh, all right, Emmett…all right, all right!

I absolutely DIED at the alert sign, Ivan. The cyanide joke immediately after slayed me as well. I don't know why, but I find cyanide hysterical; cyanide in convenient effervescent tablets is COMEDY GOLD.
And I think I actually want to see this episode.
I've been enjoying Richard Erdman's "return" (if he ever left) as Leonard on 'Community', so it was fun to see these frame grabs of him forty years ago or so.
It's just a shame that the comic book industry was presented in such a simplistic manner.....
I absolutely DIED at the alert sign, Ivan. The cyanide joke immediately after slayed me as well. I don't know why, but I find cyanide hysterical; cyanide in convenient effervescent tablets is COMEDY GOLD.
I've been enjoying Richard Erdman's "return" (if he ever left) as Leonard on 'Community', so it was fun to see these frame grabs of him forty years ago or so.
Isn't Erdman a riot on that show? It's a credit to his talent that he's able to do so much with what is literally a walk-on--proving the old saw about "there are no small parts, only small actors" is a saw for a reason. The bit he does in the episode where they're holding the tribunal at the swimming pool is my absolute favorite.
Erdman is in one of my favorite noirs, Cry Danger, and has that wonderful response to Jean Porter's query of "You drinkin' that stuff so early?": "Listen, doll girl, when you drink as much as I do, you gotta start early."
Aunt Bee had a secret affair with Emmitt!
Howard prodded Mrs Bellows ....hee hee!
Gotta love that Mrs Bellows...they don't make them like that in Mayberry!
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